自己的IE——用VB制作浏览器 |
来源:转载 人气:1726 录入时间:2007-11-8 |
自己做浏览器?有没有搞错?不要说像IE这样的庞然大物,就是小巧的Opera,我们大多数普通人也决计搞不出来。但如果你的机器里装有VB5.0专业版,那么事情就好办多了,想试试吗?那好,Let`s go!
程序的主角是一个ActiveX控件:WebBrowser。当然,缺省状态下VB的工具箱中并没有它,我们得手工加入,方法是:右击工具箱,在出现的快捷菜单中选择“部件...”,确保在弹出的对话框中选中“控件”标签,找到Microsoft Internet Controls,在它前面的小框中打钩,然后确定。此时你会发现工具箱中多了两个小图标,其中,地球图标代表的控件正是我们需要的WebBrowser。
属性:LocationURL 返回控件显示WEB页面的URL。
方法:Navigate 转移到指定的URL或打开指定HTML文件。
事件:1.DownloadBegin 下载操作开时触发。
2.DownloadComplete 下载操作完成、终止或失败时触发。
3.ProgressChange WebBrowser控件跟踪下载操作的过程,并定期触发此事件。其语法为:Sub WebBrowser_ProgressChange (ByVal Progress As Long, ByVal ProgressMax As Long)。Progress变元是当前已下载的数据总量,ProgressMax变元是将要下载的数据总量。
4.TitleChange 当前文档标题改变时触发
除了WebBrowser控件外,程序还需要一个Label控件:Label1;一个ComboBox控件:combo1,用来显示URL地址;一个StatusBar控件:StatusBar1;一个ProgressBar控件:ProgressBar1,用来显示下载进度(StatusBar控件和ProgressBar控件是ActiveX控件Microsoft Windows Common Controls5.0的成员,加入工具箱的方法同WebBrowser控件),这些控件的属性值都用缺省值。
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Caption =“My Explorer”
Label1.Caption = “URL”
Combo1.Text = “”
Combo1.Top = Label1.Height
Combo1.Left = 0
WebBrowser1.Top = Combo1.Top + Combo1.Height
WebBrowser1.Left = 0
StatusBar1.Style = sbrSimple
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
On Error GoTo a
Combo1.Width = Form1.Width - 100
WebBrowser1.Width = Combo1.Width
WebBrowser1.Height = Form1.Height - Combo1.Height - 1000
ProgressBar1.Top = Me.Height - StatusBar1.Height - 330
ProgressBar1.Left = 0.25 * StatusBar1.Width
ProgressBar1.Width = 0.75 * Me.Width - 250
End Sub
Private Sub Combo1_Click()
WebBrowser1.Navigate Combo1.Text
End Sub
Private Sub Combo1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Dim I As Long
Dim existed As Boolean
If KeyCode = 13 Then
If Left(Combo1.Text, 7) <> “http://”Then
Combo1.Text = “http://”+ Combo1.Text
End If
WebBrowser1.Navigate Combo1.Text
For I = 0 To Combo1.ListCount - 1
If Combo1.List(I) = Combo1.Text Then
existed = True
Exit For
existed = False
End If
If Not existed Then
Combo1.AddItem (Combo1.Text)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub WebBrowser1_DownloadBegin()
`下载开始时状态栏显示“Now Linking...”
StatusBar1.SimpleText = “Now Linking...”
End Sub
Private Sub WebBrowser1_DownloadComplete()
`下载完成时状态栏显示“Link Finished”
StatusBar1.SimpleText = “Link Finished”
ProgressBar1.Value = 0
End Sub
Private Sub WebBrowser1_ProgressChange(ByVal Progress As Long,
ByVal ProgressMax As Long)
If ProgressMax = 0 Then Exit Sub
ProgressBar1.Max = ProgressMax
If Progress <> -1 And Progress <= ProgressMax Then
ProgressBar1.Value = Progress
End If
End Sub
Private Sub WebBrowser1_TitleChange(ByVal Text As String)
Combo1.Text = WebBrowser1.LocationURL
End Sub